Blu: my Poseidon

Though he may at times seem fed up and aloof, with that classic expression of just lazing around…not up to anything in the slightest… Don’t be fooled! Blu is as cunning as a fox!
As gast as lightening it comes to food, he’s the first to get your attention.
He is the only one who lets you know with a bark, the moment he wakes up in the morning, as if to say “Hey there! Look at me! Here I am!”, before settling down comfortably and waiting for the day to unfold.
Ever since he was small, he has adored water, hunting out his water bowl, not to drink but to plunge his face into it.
And yet he always has that look of love written across his face… but the question is with who????


Bea & Puppies supports L’ENPA, THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION ANIMALS, so that all our special friends can enjoy a better life.